Saturday, October 7, 2006

Independence Square - Trinidad's business district

KFC branch in Independence Square - world's
most number of chickens sold in all KFCs
PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad and Tobago - On October 7, 2006, we went downtown Port of Spain to look around the city. These are what we noted:

1. Independence Square is Trinidad and Tobago and Caribbean's major business and financial district. The area include important establishments like: 

a. Kentucky Fried Chicken  -KFC ( - It was in this branch of KFC where we had our first fastfood experience in Trinidad. The branch was undergoing a renovation during that time but we've noticed that the restaurant was very busy and quite big.  We then found out from our Human Resources manager that this branch had been awarded for selling the most number of chickens in all KFCs worldwide. I also read an article at board.elreylargo, that this KFC branch makes the most money among all the KFCs in the world. It is due solely to the annual Carnival celebrations that are held in this country, alone, a record number of sales had been produced from this branch of the KFC establishment. RBTT's major branch was just opposite KFC.

b. Royal Bank of Trinidad and Tobago - RBTT ( While the establishment is not the head office of the bank, we  can say that it is one of the biggest branch they have in the country. RBTT was where I had the savings and checking accounts.  

c. Nicholas Tower - describes as the second tallest building in Trinidad and Tobago, as well as in the English-speaking Caribbean. Secondly only to the 26 story building situated in the International Waterfront project. It has an elliptical floor plate and stands 21 floors tall and 88 Meters high. Construction was completed in 2003 and each floor, 8,000 square feet (700 m2) of space, was rented out at a cost of $96,000 a month (as of 2005). It is a blue glass tower.  

d. Twin Towers of the Eric Williams Financial Complex - the home of the Central Bank and the Ministry of Finance are some important establishments in the area.

Independence Square
e. Port of Spain International Waterfront Centre - describes it is a construction project aimed at revitalizing and transforming the waterfront of the capital-city Port of Spain located in Trinidad and Tobago. The project is a part of the overall Vision 2020, a government policy attempting to take Trinidad and Tobago to developed country status by 2020.
In the middle of the square is a park for chilling and relaxation, a place for watching people and events.

Things have changed quickly. I tried to search the internet on how Independent Square have transformed and noted significant improvements. I can truly say that Port of Spain is the financial capital of Trinidad and one of the important business district in the Caribbean. This made me miss the city that I once live for 2 years.

Photo taken from
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